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Tuesday, February 6, 2007

Planning the unforseen

How do you plan the unforeseen ?

What are the essential ingredients for a good project plan?

- A Strong project manager. Someone with authority who can put his concerns ,demands across to other parties who influence the execution of the plan. A good ship is of no use unless its captained by a strong Captain.I don't mean a smart project manager but someone who carrier weight in the organization to be able to make his voice heard

- Describe the journey . The purpose of a project plan is to describe the journey before it has begun. It should have all the twists and turns ,speed limits on different roads, time needed for refueling , rest period and so on. List them all.
A project plan doesn't have to be politically correct. It has to be factual and bold.
Any project plan which simply paints a rosy picture and doesnt talk about the potholes hasn't probably been thought through completly

-Room for the unknown. No matter how well you plan and forecast the next few months.
There are bound to be surprises. Issues with software on which your software runs. Someone key member may quit or simply fall in love and get married.Sudden change in requirements

Summarized as

"In preparing for battle I have always found that plans are useless, but planning is indispensable."
Dwight D. Eisenhower


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